StaticNonAggregateText MAP





StaticNonAggregateText Metadata Application Profile

  • Lists the elements that must always be present in descriptions for this type of resource ("mandatory").
  • Lists commonly used elements in descriptions for this type of resource. If they apply to the resource they must be included in the description ("if applicable").
  • Does not include every possible Work and Expression relationship element that could apply to the resource.

Required values

If any of your values for these elements do not match the table, select a different MAP for your resource.

Entity Element First instance Additional instances Value
Work extension plan mandatory no static plan
Manifestation Check definitions in NLNZ guidance: Aggregate manifestations     NonAggregate
Expression content type mandatory no text

MAP elements

Entity Element First instance Additional instances
Manifestation also issued as if applicable no
Manifestation carrier type mandatory no
Manifestation copyright date if applicable no
Manifestation date of publication mandatory if applicable
Manifestation designation of edition if applicable if applicable
Manifestation designation of named revision of edition if applicable if applicable
Manifestation dimensions if applicable no
Manifestation encoding format if applicable if applicable
Manifestation expression manifested mandatory no
Manifestation extent of manifestation mandatory no
Manifestation file type if applicable if applicable
Manifestation identifier for manifestation if applicable if applicable
Manifestation media type mandatory no
Manifestation mode of issuance mandatory no
Manifestation name of publisher mandatory if applicable
Manifestation note on manifestation if applicable if applicable
Manifestation numbering within sequence if applicable if applicable
Manifestation other title information if applicable if applicable
Manifestation other title information of series if applicable if applicable
Manifestation place of publication mandatory if applicable
Manifestation restriction on access to manifestation if applicable no
Manifestation restriction on use of manifestation if applicable no
Manifestation statement of responsibility relating to edition if applicable if applicable
Manifestation statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition if applicable if applicable
Manifestation statement of responsibility relating to series if applicable if applicable
Manifestation statement of responsibility relating to title proper if applicable if applicable
Manifestation title of series if applicable if applicable
Manifestation title proper mandatory if applicable
Manifestation Uniform Resource Locator if applicable if applicable
Manifestation variant title of manifestation if applicable if applicable
Work author corporate body if applicable if applicable
Work author person if applicable if applicable
Work category of work if applicable no
Work issue of if applicable if applicable
Work issuing corporate body if applicable if applicable
Work numbering of part if applicable if applicable
Work prequel work if applicable no
Expression award if applicable if applicable
Expression intended audience of expression if applicable if applicable
Expression language of expression mandatory if applicable
Expression summarization of content if applicable if applicable
Expression translation of if applicable no
Expression translator person if applicable if applicable
Item immediate source of acquisition of item if applicable no
Item note on item if applicable if applicable
Item restriction on access to item if applicable no