NLNZ guidance: Aggregate manifestations
Table of Contents
This document describes the characteristics of the different kinds of aggregate manifestations, with examples, to enable cataloguers to select the appropriate Metadata Application Profile (MAP).
What kind of aggregate manifestation do you have?
An aggregate is a manifestation that embodies an aggregating expression and one or more expressions that are aggregated. The expressions that are aggregated may realize one or more works.
Most of the resources collected by the NLNZ are aggregate manifestations. This includes any resource which contains illustrations or other supplementary content.
To help decide which kind of aggregate manifestation you have, you need to decide how many works are embodied in the manifestation, and then which are main works, and which are supplementary.
How many works are embodied in the manifestation being described?
To help with deciding how many works are embodied in the manifestation there are some cases where you should count multiple aggregated works as a single work, and some cases where you should ignore some types of works embodied in a manifestation.
Material that the NLNZ will consider as a single work
In the following cases, the multiple aggregated works should be counted as a single work, expressed as a single text expression or still image expression:
- collections of recipes (i.e. cookbooks)
- illustrations
Material that is not counted as a work
When deciding how many works are in the manifestation do not count the following kinds of material as works:
- bibliographies/bibliographical references
- indexes
- discographies
about the author
pages- reviews
- publisher information e.g. a list of the other books in a series, or other books by the same author
- extracts from other books in a series
- author photographs
- a map in a novel
- decorations at chapter headings
- cover illustrations
- location maps
- a frontispiece
- incidental illustrations (these are illustrations that are more like decorations or design elements)
- quotes from poems or similar at the beginning of a novel
- acknowledgements
- karakia
Are the works equivalent in importance (i.e. main), or are one or more supplementary?
You need to decide which works are more important, and which are supporting the more important work(s).
Look carefully at the manifestation you are describing and make a judgement based on what you see.
Forewords and introductions:
- Sometimes a foreword or an introduction can be considered part of the main work, and is intended to be part of that work, and sometimes it is supplementary
Supplementary works commonly embody the following kinds of expressions:
- illustrations that support text
- this will be the case for most children’s picture books
- text that supports illustrations or a cartographic image
- some children’s picture books will be text that support illustrations
What do you have?
- If there is more than one main aggregated work, then it is a collection aggregate.
- If there is just one main aggregated work, and that work has more than one expression, then it is a parallel aggregate.
- If there is just one main aggregated work with one expression, and a supplementary work/s, then it is an augmentation aggregate.
- If there is just one work, and one expression, it is a nonaggregate manifestation.
- If there is a main work, and one or more of the things we do not consider as works from the list above, and nothing else, then it is a nonaggregate manifestation.
Collection aggregate
A collection aggregate is a manifestation that embodies two or more expressions of two or more independent works.
There may also be a supplementary work or works aggregated (e.g., an introduction, illustrations), but there will clearly be two or more works that are equivalent in importance.
Some examples of collection aggregates include:
- a collection of short stories
- a collection of essays
- proceedings from a conference
- an album of songs by one band or many bands
There will always be 1 manifestation, at least 3 works, at least 3 expressions:
- - Manifestation: the aggregate manifestation
- - Work 1: the aggregating work (the plan to put the expressions together)
- Expression 1: the aggregating expression (the realisation of the aggregating work)
- - Work 2: the first aggregated work
- Expression 2: the first aggregated expression
- - Work 3: the second aggregated work
- Expression 3: the second aggregated expression
- - Work 4: the third aggregated work
- Expression 4: the third aggregated expression
- - [Etc. ...]
Works (in the aggregate manifestation) | Expressions (in the aggregate manifestation) |
Work 1 Aggregating work (the plan to put the expressions of the works together) |
Expression 1 Aggregating expression (the realisation of the aggregating work) |
Work 2 Aggregated work (e.g., a short story, poem, song, etc.) |
Expression 2 Aggregated expression |
Work 3 Aggregated work |
Expression 3 Aggregated expression |
Work 4 Aggregated work |
Expression 4 Aggregated expression |
Etc. ... | Etc. ... |
See Collection aggregates examples.
Parallel aggregate
A parallel aggregate is a manifestation that embodies two or more expressions of a single work.
There may also be a supplementary work or works aggregated (e.g., an introduction, illustrations), but the work with multiple expressions is clearly the main work.
- Use the StaticParallelAggregateText MAP
Some examples of parallel aggregates include:
- a story for children that is expressed in Māori and in English
- a report which includes an original language and a translation
- a vocal score that is expressed in English, in French, and in German
- a VOX book with text and spoken word in English
There will always be 1 manifestation, at least 2 works, at least 3 expressions:
- - Manifestation: the aggregate manifestation
- - Work 1: the aggregating work (the plan to put the expressions of the works together)
- Expression 1: the aggregating expression (the realisation of the aggregating work)
- - Work 2: The
aggregated work - - [Etc. ...]
- Expression 2: the first aggregated expression (e.g., Māori language)
- Expression 3: the second aggregated expression (e.g., English language)
- - [Etc. ...]
Works (in the aggregate manifestation) | Expressions (in the aggregate manifestation) |
Work 1 Aggregating work (the plan to put the expressions of the works together) |
Expression 1 Aggregating expression (the realisation of the aggregating work) |
Work 2 Aggregated work (the mainwork) |
Expression 2 Aggregated expression (e.g., Māori language) |
Expression 3 Aggregated expression (e.g., English language) |
Expression 4 Aggregated expression (e.g., another language) |
Etc. ... |
Moving images with subtitles or additional language soundtracks are technically parallel aggregates, however NLNZ has yet to make decisions about describing these.
See Parallel aggregates examples.
Augmentation aggregate
An augmentation aggregate is a manifestation that embodies two or more expressions of two or more works, where one work is supplemented by one or more other works.
There must be one main work and one or more supplementary works.
Some examples of augmentation aggregates include:
- a picture book for children
- a nonfiction book with illustrations
- a
coffee table
book where photographs are supplemented by captions - a cookbook where the recipes are supplemented by illustrations
- a novel with additional critical material
- a nonfiction book with a foreword by a different creator
- a tourist map with places of interest described on verso
There will always be 1 manifestation, at least 3 works, at least 3 expressions:
- - Manifestation: the aggregate manifestation
- - Work 1: the aggregating work (the plan to put the expressions together)
- Expression 1: the aggregating expression (the realisation of the aggregating work)
- - Work 2: the
aggregated work- Expression 2: the
aggregated expression
- Expression 2: the
- - Work 3: the supplementary aggregated work
- Expression 3: the supplementary aggregated expression
- - [Etc. ...]
Works (in the aggregate manifestation) | Expressions (in the aggregate manifestation) |
Work 1 Aggregating work (the plan to put the expressions of the works together) |
Expression 1 Aggregating expression (the realisation of the aggregating work) |
Work 2 Aggregated work (the mainwork e.g., a novel) |
Expression 2 Aggregated expression (the mainexpression) |
Work 3 Aggregated work (the supplementary work e.g., a foreword, introduction etc.) |
Expression 3 Aggregated expression (the supplementary expression) |
[Etc. ...] | [Etc. ...] |
See Augmentation aggregates examples.
Collection aggregates
Resources with five or fewer main aggregated expressions:
- Example 1: One creator, collective title
- Example 2 and example 3: One creator, no collective title
- Example 4 and example 5: More than one creator, no collective title
Resources with more than five main aggregated expressions:
- Example 6, example 7, example 8, and example 9: One creator, collective title
- Example 10 and example 11: More than one creator, collective title
Example 1: five or fewer aggregated expressions, one creator, collective title
London girls
- single title page, with collective title
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Henderson, Janet Elizabeth, 1970- |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Henderson, Janet Elizabeth, 1970- Mad love. English |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Henderson, Janet Elizabeth, 1970- Laura's big break. English |
Manifestation | other title information | a two book set |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | Janet Elizabeth Henderson |
Manifestation | title proper | London girls |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] London girls (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Example 2: five or fewer aggregated expressions, one creator, no collective title
Confessions of a cockroach + Headstone
- two title pages (volume bound tête-bêche)
- each individual novel has its own title page
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Johnson, Mike, 1947- |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Johnson, Mike, 1947- Confessions of a cockroach. English |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Johnson, Mike, 1947- Headstone. English |
Manifestation | illustrative content | illustrations |
Manifestation | title proper | The confessions of a cockroach + Headstone |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | The confessions of a cockroach |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Headstone |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] Confessions of a cockroach + Headstone (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — illustration — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression — English language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — English language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression) — illustrative content — no elements recorded
Example 3: five or fewer aggregated expressions, one creator, no collective title — music sound recording
String quartet in E minor + Phantasy quartet + Canzonettas + Duos for two violins + String trio
- there is no source with a collective title
- single disc label with titles of all pieces of music on three lines: the second and third, and fourth and fifth titles have connecting punctuation (space dot space)
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | contributor corporate body of music | New Zealand String Quartet |
Manifestation | contributor person of music | Lilburn, Douglas, 1915-2001 |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Lilburn, Douglas, 1915-2001. Quartets, violins (2), viola, cello, E minor |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Lilburn, Douglas, 1915-2001. Duets, violins (2) |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Etc. |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | String quartet in E minor Duos for two violins String trio Canzonettas for violin and viola Phantasy for string quartet |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | Lilburn |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | New Zealand String Quartet |
Manifestation | title proper | String quartet in E minor + Phantasy quartet + Canzonettas + Duos for two violins + String trio |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | String quartet in E minor |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Phantasy quartet |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Canzonettas |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Duos for two violins |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | String trio |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] String quartet in E minor + Phantasy quartet + Canzonettas + Duos for two violins + String trio (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | performed music |
Expression | medium of performance of musical content | violin |
Expression | medium of performance of musical content | viola |
Expression | medium of performance of musical content | cello |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | performed music |
Expression | medium of performance of musical content | violin |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression)
Example 4: five or fewer aggregated expressions, more than one creator, no collective title
Des jumeaux pour Jenny + Une inexplicable attirance + Un médecin trop séduisant
- there is no title page with a collective title
- there is a half title page with the titles of the individual novels
- each individual novel has its own title page
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | MacKay, Sue (Susan) |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Claydon, Annie |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Andrews, Amy, 1969- |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] MacKay, Sue (Susan). Family this Christmas. French |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Claydon, Annie. Snowbound with the surgeon. French |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Andrews, Amy, 1969- Unexpected proposal. French |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | Des jumeaux pour Jenny / Sue MacKay ; traduction française de Michel Lecœur Une inexplicable attirance / Annie Claydon ; traduction française de F. Jean Un médecin trop séduisant / Amy Andrews ; traduction française de Marie-Therese Simoutre |
Manifestation | title proper | Des jumeaux pour Jenny + Une inexplicable attirance + Un médecin trop séduisant |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Des jumeaux pour Jenny |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Une inexplicable attirance |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Un médecin trop séduisant |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] Jumeaux pour Jenny + Une inexplicable attirance + Un médecin trop séduisant (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression — French language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | fre |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — French language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | fre |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression) — French language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | fre |
Example 5: five or fewer aggregated expressions, more than one creator, no collective title
Snowbound with a billionaire + Just one more night
- there is no title page with a collective title
- the cover has the titles of both individual novels
- each individual novel has its own title page
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Bennett, Jules |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Brand, Fiona |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Bennett, Jules. Snowbound with a billionaire. English |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [single aggregated expression of a work in the collection] Brand, Fiona. Just one more night. English |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | Snowbound with a billionaire / Jules Bennett Just one more night / Fiona Brand |
Manifestation | title proper | Snowbound with a billionaire + Just one more night |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Snowbound with a billionaire |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Just one more night |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] Snowbound with a billionaire + Just one more night (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression — English language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — English language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Example 6: more than five aggregated expressions, one creator, collective title
Pocket money & other stories
- single title page, with a collective title
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Lingard, Vivienne, 1947- |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | [all the aggregated expressions of the works in the collection] Pocket money Narnia Etc. |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | Vivienne Lingard |
Manifestation | title proper | Pocket money & other stories |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] Pocket money & other stories (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression)
Example 7: more than five aggregated expressions, one creator, collective title, known aggregator agent
Marriage & families
- single title page, with a collective title
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Mansfield, Katherine, 1888-1923 |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | [all the aggregated expressions of the works in the collection] Mr Reginald Peacock's day Sun and Moon The escape Etc. |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | selected and introduced by Vincent O'Sullivan |
Manifestation | title proper | Marriage & families |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] O'Sullivan, Vincent. Marriage & families (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | aggregator person | O'Sullivan, Vincent |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression)
Example 8: more than five aggregated expressions, one creator, collective title music sound recording
Disco punks
- single disc label, with a collective title
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | contributor corporate body of music | Brain Gun (Musical group) |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | [all the aggregated expressions of the works in the collection] Stupid Bad idea Etc. |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | Brain Gun |
Manifestation | title proper | Disco punks |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] Disco punks (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | performed music |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | performed music |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression)
Example 9: more than five aggregated expressions, one creator, collective title - poems
- single title page, with a collective title
- note: 100+ poems; too many to record the titles of each poem
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | ccontributor person of text | Steele, Sina |
Manifestation | illustrative content | illustrations |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | [Not recorded as too many expressions aggregated to record the titles of each one] |
Manifestation | other title information | a collection of poems |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | by Sina Steele of Her Mustard Faith |
Manifestation | title proper | Flourishing |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] Flourishing (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression)
Example 10: more than five aggregated expressions, more than one creator, collective title, known aggregator agent
Towards a grammar of race in Aotearoa New Zealand
- single title page, with a collective title
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | [all the aggregated expressions of the works in the collection] Writer biographies Foreword / Tracey McIntosh Introduction: Towards a grammar of race in Aotearoa New Zealand / Anisha Sankar, Lana Lopesi, Arcia Tecun Colonisation and race in New Zealand / Anisha Sankar, Lana Lopesi, Arcia Tecun Etc. |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | edited by Arcia Tecun, Lana Lopesi & Anisha Sankar |
Manifestation | title proper | Towards a grammar of race in Aotearoa New Zealand |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] Towards a grammar of race in Aotearoa New Zealand (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | aggregator person | Tecun, Arcia |
Work | aggregator person | Lopesi, Lana, 1992- |
Work | aggregator person | Sankar, Anisha |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression)
Example 11: more than five aggregated expressions, more than one creator, collective title, known aggregator agent — music score
Redemption hymns
- single title page, with a collective title
- note: 703 hymns; too many to record the titles of each hymn
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | [Not recorded as too many expressions aggregated to record the titles of each one] |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | compilation ... Lindsay G. Smith |
Manifestation | title proper | Redemption hymns |
Manifestation | work manifested | [the aggregating work] Redemption hymns (Collection) |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | aggregator person | Smith, Lindsay G. (Lindsay Gordon), 1943- |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work | issuing corporate body | Emmaus Correspondence School (Tawa, N.Z.) |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | notated music |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | notated music |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression)
Parallel aggregates
- Example 1: Single title page
- Example 2 and example 3: Two title pages (tête-bêche)
- Example 4: Vocal score; vocal work expressed in three languages
Example 1: main aggregated expressions are text (original language expression and translated language expression), supplementary expression is still image
Tilly meets a stranger
- single title page with English title, Māori title, and statement of responsibility all on separate lines with no punctuation between them
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | colour content | colour |
Manifestation | contributor person of still image | Watts, Carolyn (Illustrator) |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the original language expression] Watts, Carolyn (Illustrator). Tilly meets a stranger. English |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the translated language expression] Watts, Carolyn (Illustrator). Tilly meets a stranger. Māori |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the supplementary expression - illustrations] Not recorded |
Manifestation | illustrative content | illustrations |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | Bilingual text: English, Māori |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | words and illustrations by Carolyn Watts |
Manifestation | title proper | Tilly meets a stranger + Ka tūtaki a Tilly i te tauhou |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Tilly meets a stranger |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Ka tūtaki a Tilly i te tauhou |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (aggregated work) — text
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | author person | Watts, Carolyn (Illustrator) |
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression) — English language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — Māori language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | mao |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression) — illustrations
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | still image |
Example 2: main aggregated expressions are text (original language expression and translated language expression), supplementary expression is still image
Towards a predator free New Zealand
- two title pages: English title, and Māori title each on a separate title page; volume bound tête-bêche
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | colour content | colour |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the original language expression] New Zealand. Department of Conservation. Towards a predator free New Zealand. English |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the translated language expression] New Zealand. Department of Conservation. Towards a predator free New Zealand. Māori |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the supplementary expression - illustrations] Not recorded |
Manifestation | illustrative content | illustrations |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | Bilingual text: English, Māori |
Manifestation | title proper | Towards a predator free New Zealand + Te anga whakamua kia Aotearoa kaikonihi-kore |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Towards a predator free New Zealand |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Te anga whakamua kia Aotearoa kaikonihi-kore |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Predator Free 2050 strategy |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Rautaki Kaikonihi-Kore 2050 |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (aggregated work) — text
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | author corporate body | New Zealand. Department of Conservation |
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression) — English language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — Māori language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | mao |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression) — illustrations — no elements recorded
Example 3: main aggregated expressions are text (original language expression and translated language expression), supplementary expression is still image
I te timatanga
- two title pages: Māori title, English title, and statements of responsibility each on a separate title page; volume bound tête-bêche
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | colour content | colour |
Manifestation | contributor person of still image | Kahukiwa, Robyn |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the original language expression] Kahukiwa, Robyn. I te timatanga. Māori |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the translated language expression] Kahukiwa, Robyn. I te timatanga. English |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the supplementary expression - illustrations] Not recorded |
Manifestation | illustrative content | illustrations |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | Bilingual text: Māori, English |
Manifestation | title proper | I te timatanga + In the beginning |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | I te timatanga |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | In the beginning |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (aggregated work) — text
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | author person | Kahukiwa, Robyn |
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression) — Māori language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | mao |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — English language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression) — illustrations
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | still image |
Example 4: main aggregated expressions are notated music and text (vocal score in original language, and vocal scores in two translated languages)
‘Kantate Nr. 51’
- single title page with German, English and French titles and statements of responsibility all on separate lines with no punctuation between them
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | designation of edition | Klavierauszug |
Manifestation | designation of edition | Piano vocal score |
Manifestation | designation of edition | Réduction pour piano |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the original language vocal score] [NB original language is not recorded as part of the expression access point for music] Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen. Vocal score |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the translated language vocal score] Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen. Vocal score. English |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [aggregated expression: the translated language vocal score] Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen. Vocal score. French |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | Kantate Nr. 51 : am 15. Sonntag nach Trinitatis und für alle Zeit : „Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen ” / Johann Sebastian Bach
Cantata no. 51 : for the 15th Sunday after Trinity and for general use : "Praise Jehovah all ye people" / Johann Sebastian Bach ; English version by J. Michael Diack Cantate no. 51 : pour le 15ième dimanche après la Trinité et pour tous les temps : «Gloire à Dieu partout sur terre» / Johann Sebastian Bach ; traduction française de G. Bret et Ch. Schweitzer |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | Multilingual text: German, English, French |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to edition | von Günter Raphael |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to edition | by Günter Raphael |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to edition | de Günter Raphael |
Manifestation | title proper | Kantate Nr. 51 + Cantata no. 51 + Cantate no. 51 |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Kantate Nr. 51 |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Cantata no. 51 |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | Cantate no. 51 |
Manifestation | variant title of manifestation | BWV 51 |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (aggregated work) — music
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | composer person of work | Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 |
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression) — vocal score in original German language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | arranger person of music | Raphael, Günter, 1903-1960 |
Expression | content type | notated music |
Expression | language of expression | ger |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — vocal score, English language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | arranger person of music | Raphael, Günter, 1903-1960 |
Expression | content type | notated music |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression | translator person | Diack, J. Michael (John Michael), 1869-1946 |
Expression 4: (the third aggregated expression) — vocal score, French language
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | arranger person of music | Raphael, Günter, 1903-1960 |
Expression | content type | notated music |
Expression | language of expression | fre |
Expression | translator person | Bret, Gustave, 1875-1969 |
Expression | translator person | Schweitzer, Ch. (Charles), 1844-1935 |
Augmentation aggregates
- Example 1 and example 2: Main expression is text, supplementary expression is still image
- Example 3: Main expression is still image, supplementary expressions are text (by artist) and text (an essay)
- Example 4: Main expression is still image, supplementary expression is text
Example 1: main expression is text, supplementary expression is still image
The man whose mother was a pirate
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | colour content | colour |
Manifestation | contributor person of still image | Chamberlain, Margaret |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [the main aggregated expression] Mahy, Margaret, 1936-2012. Man whose mother was a pirate. English |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [the supplementary aggregated expression] Not recorded |
Manifestation | illustrative content | illustrations |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | Margaret Mahy |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | illustrated by Margaret Chamberlain |
Manifestation | title proper | The man whose mother was a pirate |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — the main work (text)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | author person | Mahy, Margaret, 1936-2012 |
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — the supplementary work (illustrations) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression) — the main expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — the supplementary expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | still image |
Example 2: main expression is text, supplementary expression is still image
Consulting and engineering sector Covid-19 implications
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | colour content | colour |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [the main aggregated expression] Consulting and engineering sector Covid-19 implications. English |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [the supplementary aggregated expression] Not recorded |
Manifestation | illustrative content | illustrations |
Manifestation | title proper | Consulting and engineering sector Covid-19 implications |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work | issuing corporate body | Association of Consulting Engineers New Zealand |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — the main work (text) — no elements recorded
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — the supplementary work (illustrations) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression) — the main expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — the supplementary expression (illustrations) — no elements recorded
Example 3: main expression is still image, supplementary expressions are text (by artist) and text (an essay)
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | colour content | some colour |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Broughan, Jude |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Wilson, Michael |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [the main aggregated expression] Broughan, Jude. Honey |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [the supplementary aggregated expression — text by artist] Not recorded |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [the supplementary aggregated expression — text (essay)] Not recorded |
Manifestation | illustrative content | illustrations |
Manifestation | note on manifestation | Essay by Michael Wilson |
Manifestation | other title information | Jude Broughan, 20 February-10 April 2015 |
Manifestation | title proper | Honey |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — the main work (art)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | artist person | Broughan, Jude |
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — the supplementary work (text by artist) — no elements recorded
Work 4: (the third aggregated work) — the supplementary work (essay) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression) — the main expression
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | still image |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — the supplementary expression (text by artist)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Expression 4: (the second aggregated expression) — the supplementary expression (essay)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |
Example 4: main expression is still image, supplementary expression is text
Aggregate manifestation:
Entity | Element | Value |
Manifestation | colour content | colour |
Manifestation | contributor person of text | Clarke, Kevin (Kevin John) |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [the main aggregated expression] Clarke, Kevin (Kevin John). Mainland |
Manifestation | expression manifested | [the supplementary aggregated expression] Not recorded |
Manifestation | illustrative content | illustrations |
Manifestation | other title information | South Island landscapes |
Manifestation | statement of responsibility relating to title proper | photography by Kevin Clarke |
Manifestation | title proper | Mainland |
Work 1: (aggregating work)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | extension plan | static plan |
Work 2: (the first aggregated work) — the main work (photos)
Entity | Element | Value |
Work | photographer person of work | Clarke, Kevin (Kevin John) |
Work 3: (the second aggregated work) — the supplementary work (text) — no elements recorded
Expression 1: (aggregating expression) — no elements recorded
Expression 2: (the first aggregated expression) — the main expression (illustrations)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | still image |
Expression 3: (the second aggregated expression) — the supplementary expression (text)
Entity | Element | Value |
Expression | content type | text |
Expression | language of expression | eng |