National Library of New Zealand Policy Statements for: access point for person
Do not record this element. Apply the options at this element only when determining a value for another element.
Recording an unstructured description
Base access points for person
Format of base access points for person
Apply when recording:
- a value of base authorized access point for person where the preferred name in direct order represents the name under which the person would normally be listed in authoritative lists in their language or country of residence or activity; or,
- a value of base variant access point for person where a variant name in direct order supports identification and access.
See NLNZ guidance for examples.
Condition Option
Apply when recording:
- a value of base authorized access point for person where the preferred name in rotated order represents the name under which the person would normally be listed in authoritative lists in their language or country of residence or activity; or,
- a value of base variant access point for person where a variant name in rotated order supports identification and access.
See NLNZ guidance for examples.
Condition Option
Apply when recording:
- a value of base authorized access point for person that is not a characterizing word or phrase; or,
- a value of base variant access point for person that is not a characterizing word or phrase; or,
- a value of base variant access point for person where including an initial article in a variant name supports identification and access.
See NLNZ guidance for examples.
Condition Option
Apply when recording:
- a value of base authorized access point for person that is a characterizing word or phrase; or,
- a value of base variant access point for person that is a characterizing word or phrase; or,
- a value of base variant access point for person where omitting an initial article in a variant name supports identification and access.
See NLNZ guidance for examples.
Condition Option
Do not apply.
Condition Option
See NLNZ guidance.
Additional elements and designations in access points for person
Additional elements and designations in access points for person
Always make an addition in any of the following situations:
- where a value of Person: date of birth and/or Person: date of death is known, and fits with NLNZ privacy guidelines
- where a value of Person: fuller form of name is known and where an initial or abbreviation suggests a fuller form of name, and fits with NLNZ privacy guidelines
- where the name does not convey the idea of a person
Next, consider whether the access point, plus any additions that are applicable, matches a value of another access point for a different entity in the:
- LC/NACO Name Authority File VES, or
- NLNZ catalogue
If so, make further additions to resolve the conflict.
See NLNZ guidance.
Determine the value, then see NLNZ guidance.
For persons using pseudonyms, do not include a value of Person: date of birth in access points associated with the pseudonym unless required to distinguish from another person with the same name. See NLNZ guidance for examples.
Determine the value, then see NLNZ guidance.
For persons using pseudonyms, do not include a value of Person: date of death in access points associated with the pseudonym unless required to distinguish from another person with the same name. See NLNZ guidance for examples.
Apply if a part of the given name or surname used in the preferred name is represented by an initial or an abbreviation, or is needed to resolve conflict.
Determine the value, then see NLNZ guidance.
Apply only when research fails to provide any other information that can be used to resolve conflict.
Determine the value, then see NLNZ guidance.
Apply only to resolve conflict or when the base access point does not convey the idea of a person.
Record a value that is based on a structured description of Person: profession or occupation.
Determine the value, then see NLNZ guidance.
Apply only when the term appears on the resource and is required to resolve conflict.
Determine the value, then see NLNZ guidance.
Apply only to resolve conflict.
See NLNZ guidance.
Apply only to resolve conflict.
See NLNZ guidance.
Condition Option
Apply only when research fails to provide any other information that can be used to resolve conflict.
See NLNZ guidance for examples.
Condition Option
Determine the value, then see NLNZ guidance.
Recording an identifier
Recording an IRI
Document Date: 2025/02/24