Music Library Association Best Practices for parallel title of series
Record all values of the element present in the resource if feasible. See Supplements to Best Practices for Music Cataloging Using RDA and MARC21 , Supplement 2: Recording Parallel Data Using ISBD in MARC and Minimally Punctuated MARC for additional guidance and examples.
In MARC: Record as an unstructured description using field 490 subfield $a. Record each parallel title in a separate instance of subfield $a, following Manifestation: title of series.
Recording an unstructured description
Apply the option.
Condition Option
Apply the option. Additionally record all other values for the element from the chosen source of information if feasible.
Condition Option
Apply the option in cases where values are linguistically neutral or otherwise lack corresponding values for related elements in the same language.
Condition Option
Apply the option. Group values for related elements together by language where possible.
Recording a structured description
Recording an identifier
Recording an IRI
Document Date: 2024/09/21