Getting Started
The official RDA Toolkit is found at The original RDA Toolkit is found at
The official site can be accessed from the button on the RDA Toolkit home page ( and from a link in the top banner of the official Toolkit (
Toolkit Quick Facts
- The site has a responsive design so it can be used on tablets.
- It meets W3C accessibility guidelines.
- It provides multiples ways of finding content.
- It contains RDA, policy statements, some supplemental resources, and user-created content.
Accounts (Subscriptions)
For information about subscription options, please visit our RDA toolkit subscription page.
This page includes information on pricing per user and special rates for Library and Information Sciences teaching institutions.
Account Authentication
RDA Toolkit offers three authentication methods to recognize and confirm that users have an active RDA Toolkit account.
- IP authentication
- Username login
- Profile login
IP authentication is optional, but may be set up for any subscription. Here's how it works: the subscriber supplies their IP address (or addresses) to RDA Toolkit which stores them in the administration system, and then anyone accessing the Toolkit from that IP address will be recognized and allowed access to the site content by clicking the login button. The username and password fields should be left blank.
Username login is the standard username/password login familiar to web users. Simply navigate to the Toolkit and enter your account username and password in the appropriate boxes.
With both the IP authentication and the Username login you will know that you have successfully logged in to your account by the following indicators:
- Your institution's name will appear in the far left portion of the blue banner, underneath the RDA Toolkit logo.
- A dark blue login box labelled "Profile Login" appears beneath the words "Welcome to RDA Toolkit". This dark blue box replaces the medium blue "Login" box used for Username login.
- A "Profile" icon will appear in the far right portion of the blue banner.

These two methods of authentication still require users to log in to profiles in order to have full access to RDA Toolkit features. An additional login (a second login for those without IP authentication) is required to access your profile and to be able to access or revise bookmarks, notes, and documents.
The Login box also includes a login memory feature. Simply check the box to the right of the Remember Me label and your login information will be saved.
Profile login may be used to avoid the second login by simply entering the profile username/password in the in the medium blue "Login" box. You will know you have successfully logged in to your profile by the following indicators.
- Beneath the blue banner, you will see the message "Welcome back," followed by the name supplied in your profile.
- The name supplied in your profile will appear in the far right portion of the blue banner.
- Beneath the welcome statement you will see a box titled "Recently Viewed." This box contains a list of the last seven pages you have viewed in RDA Toolkit.

Creating a Profile
You are not required to create a profile, but it is strongly recommended. Almost all of the content of RDA Toolkit (e.g. instructions, policy statements, resources) is accessible without logging into a profile. However, creating a profile will give you access to all the features and functionality of RDA Toolkit. With a profile, you can create, access, and mange bookmarks and notes, as well as create and manage your own documents and subscribe to other documents. The profile also allows you to personalize your Toolkit experience. See the Personalizing the Toolkit for more on the features and benefits of profiles.
If you created a profile name in the original Toolkit, it will work in the official Toolkit. There are some new requirements for profile usernames.
- usernames and passwords are case sensitive
- usernames must be unique
- usernames must be at least 6 characters long, with no spaces
Note: Usernames must be unique for all users, not just within an institution. If Library X has a person with username “John,” someone at Library Y cannot have a username “John.” Contact us at if you need assistance coming up with a unique username.
If you do not have a profile, you can create one by clicking on "Profile" in far right portion of the blue banner and selecting "Create Profile Account." This will open a simple form for you to complete. Enter your first and last name (this will display on the home page when you log into your profile), email address and your unique username and a password. Enter your password a second time to confirm its accuracy. Best practice for profiles is that these is only profile per email address.
Logging in to the Original RDA Toolkit
The original RDA Toolkit is located at and can be accessed through a link that appears in the top banner of the official RDA Toolkit site.
- Separate login -- logging into the official RDA Toolkit does not get a user into the original site. It requires a separate login.
- IP authentication -- leave the username and password fields blank and click the login button. You will know this login is successful when you see your institution name in the right side of the blue banner and the login box now reads "Profile Name".
- Account ID login -- simply enter your account ID and password and click the login button.
- Profile login -- after using IP or Account ID authentication to access the original Toolkit, use your profile name and password and click the login button.
Logging Out
There are three ways to end an RDA Toolkit session.
- Time out – if your session is inactive for 30 minutes, you will be automatically logged out of your session.
- Close the browser – closing your browser or simply navigating away from the RDA Toolkit will end your session but it will still take 30 minutes to be fully logged out.
- Log out button – click on the "Profile" label or your name in the far right portion of the blue banner to open the drop-down menu. Select "Log Out" to end your session. This will both log you out of your profile (if you are in it) and your account. It will also immediately free up the user access in your subscription.
Password Reset
If you cannot recall your password for your profile, click on "Forgot Password?" at the bottom of either login box. This will open a form asking for your account username. Once you submit the password reset request, you will receive an email with a link to your profile settings, allowing you to reset your password.
If you have trouble remembering your login, you can check the box labelled "Remember Me." The check box can be found at the bottom of either login box. This will save your login information in your browser and allow you to quickly log in to start a session.
Document Date: 2019/09/16