Music Library Association Best Practices for statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition
Routinely record the element.
Generally do not record manifestation statements. Refer to the Best Practices for Guidance: Manifestation statements for details.
In MARC: Record as an unstructured description using field 250 subfield $b. Record the value in the same instance of field 250 as the associated Manifestation: designation of edition or Manifestation: designation of named revision of edition.
Note that each distinct edition statement, including designations of edition, their associated designations of named revision of edition, statements of responsibility relating to edition, etc., should be encoded in separate 250 fields.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
Apply the option. Additionally record all other values for the element from the chosen source of information if feasible.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option.
Condition Option
Apply the option. Additionally record all other values for the element from the chosen source of information if feasible.
Recording an unstructured description
Data provenance
LC/PCC practice: Apply this option if 1) the metadata has been taken from a source other than the manifestation being described and there is a requirement to record that source OR 2) if directed to do so by other LC/PCC documentation.
Recording a structured description
Recording an identifier
Recording an IRI
Document Date: 2024/09/21