Music Library Association Best Practices for date of capture
Record the element for audio and video recordings if readily ascertainable.
Recording an unstructured description
Recording a structured description
Recording an unstructured description
In MARC: In field 518 subfield $d, record a date in a format preferred by local policy.
Suggested format: record year, month (spelled out in full), and day, in that order, without punctuation. If a date of capture spans multiple days, give a range of days separated by a hyphen (e.g.: 1992 December 1-2). If the full date is unknown, record only the year, or the year and month.
If an audio recording manifests more than one work and the individual works were captured on different dates or in different locations, record the information for each work or group of works in a separate instance of field 518. If deemed useful for identification or selection, specify the work to which the the date applies using field 518 subfield $3. If recording date of capture separately for each would be impractical, provide a range of years separated by a hyphen (e.g.: 1929-1954).
Refer to OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards for guidance in encoding field 033. Encode multiple dates in field 033 as a range or, if feasible, separately.
Recording an identifier
Recording an IRI
Document Date: 2025/02/04