National Library of New Zealand Policy Statements for: Person
Minimum description
Effective description
Entity boundary
Recording an unstructured description
Recording a structured description
Recording an identifier
Recording an IRI
- abridger person of
- academic supervisor of
- access point for person
- actor person of
- address of person
- addressee person of
- aggregator person of
- alternate identity of person
- animator person of
- annotator of
- appellant person of
- appellation of person
- appellee person of
- architect person of
- arranger person of music of
- art director person of
- artist person of
- assigner person of
- assistant
- assistant to
- audio engineer person of
- audio producer person of
- author person of
- authorized access point for person
- autographer of
- binder person of
- biographical information
- book artist person of
- book designer person of
- braille embosser person of
- broadcaster person of
- calligrapher person of
- cartographer person of work of
- caster person of
- casting director person of
- category of person
- censor person of
- chief executive of
- choral conductor person of
- choreographer person of
- civil defendant person of
- colleague
- collection registrar person of
- collector person of
- collotyper person of
- colourist person of
- commentator person of
- commissioning person of
- compiler person of
- composer person of work of
- conductor person of
- consultant person of
- contributor person of cartography of
- contributor person of choreography of
- contributor person of computer content of
- contributor person of moving image of
- contributor person of music of
- contributor person of object of
- contributor person of speech of
- contributor person of still image of
- contributor person of text of
- contributor person to aggregate of
- contributor person to amalgamation of
- contributor person to performance of
- costume designer person of
- country associated with person
- court reporter person of
- coworker
- creator person of expression of
- creator person of manifestation of
- creator person of work of
- criminal defendant person of
- current owner person of
- custodian person of
- dancer person of
- date of birth
- date of death
- dedicatee person of item of
- dedicatee person of work of
- dedicator person of
- defendant person of
- degree committee member of
- degree supervisor of
- depositor person of
- descendant family of person
- designer person of
- director person of
- director person of photography of
- distributor person of
- DJ person of
- donor person of
- draftsman person of
- dubbing director person of
- editor person of
- editor person of moving image work of
- editorial director person of
- employer
- engraver person of
- etcher person of
- fellow student
- field of activity of person
- film director person of
- film distributor person of
- film producer person of
- filmmaker person of
- former owner person of
- founded corporate body of person
- founder person of work of
- friend
- fuller form of name
- gender
- given name
- graduate of
- honouree person of item of
- honouree person of work of
- host person of
- identifier for person
- illuminator person of
- inscriber of
- instructor person of
- instrumental conductor person of
- instrumentalist person of
- interviewee person of expression of
- interviewee person of work of
- interviewer person of expression of
- interviewer person of work of
- inventor person of
- issuing person of
- judge of
- landscape architect person of
- language of person
- letterer person of
- librettist person of
- lighting designer person of
- lithographer person of
- lyricist person of
- makeup artist person of
- manufacturer person of
- medium of
- minute taker person of
- mixing engineer person of
- moderator person of
- modifier person of
- music programmer person of
- musical director person of
- name of person
- narrator person of
- note on person
- officer of
- onscreen participant person of
- onscreen presenter person of
- organizer person of
- owner person of
- panelist person of
- papermaker person of
- partner
- performer person of
- period of activity of person
- person described by
- person described with metadata by
- person member of collective agent of
- person member of corporate body of
- person member of family of
- photographer person of work of
- place of birth
- place of death
- place of residence
- plaintiff person of
- platemaker person of
- praeses of
- preferred name of person
- presenter person of
- printer person of
- printmaker person of
- producer person of
- producer person of unpublished manifestation of
- production designer person of
- profession or occupation
- programmer person of
- project supervisor of
- prominent member of family of
- publisher person of
- puppeteer person of
- radio director person of
- radio producer person of
- rapporteur person of
- real identity of person
- recording engineer person of
- recordist person of
- related agent of person
- related collective agent of person
- related corporate body of person
- related entity of person
- related expression of person
- related family of person
- related item of person
- related manifestation of person
- related nomen of person
- related person of person
- related place of person
- related RDA entity of person
- related timespan of person
- related work of person
- remix artist person of
- research supervisor of
- researcher person of
- respondent of
- restorationist person of expression of
- restorationist person of item of
- reviser person of
- screenwriter person of
- sculptor person of
- seller person of
- singer person of
- software developer person of
- sound designer person of
- speaker person of
- special effects provider person of
- sponsored corporate body of person
- sponsored work of person
- stage director person of
- storyteller person of
- student
- student at
- subject person of
- surname
- surveyor person of
- teacher
- television director person of
- television producer person of
- term of rank or honour or office
- transcriber person of
- translator person of
- trustee of
- variant access point for person
- variant name of person
- visual effects provider person of
- voice actor person of
Document Date: 2025/02/04