LC-PCC policy statements for Guidelines on normalized transcription
Language and script
Language and script
LC/PCC practice: When applying the options below, use the ALA-LC Romanization Tables: Transliteration Schemes for Non-Roman Scripts when recording any non-Roman script.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option. Transcription requires as much fidelity to the source as the technical capacity within the cataloging agency will allow. Instructions on how to handle unusual symbols and characters are given in detail in the Metadata Guidance documents, with specific directions for each in terms of the particular character set phenomenon encountered.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option to give a transliterated form in addition to the script form when appropriate for these elements of the manifestation statement: title of manifestation,statement of responsibility, series statement, publication statement, production statement, manufacture statement, distribution statement, edition statement, and manifestation designation of sequence statement. For authorized access points, follow the more specific instructions given for each entity.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option as appropriate for the language.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option to title of manifestation, edition statement, publication statement, production statement, manufacture statement, distribution statement, and all related subelements. Do not apply the option to other title information and statement of responsibility or its subelements.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option as appropriate for the language.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option as appropriate for the language.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option as appropriate for the language.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Transcription-Punctuation.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Access Point Syntax.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment. If important for identification, the cataloger may record a Manifestation: note on manifestation to indicate that punctuation has been omitted or modified.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option as appropriate to the requirements of the encoding scheme.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Punctuation of initials and acronyms
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option when recording Corporate Body: preferred name of corporate body.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option to the variant access points if the commonly found usage has full stops or other marks of punctuation.
Spacing of initials and acronyms
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option for name of person, corporate body, or family with these conditions.
- For names of persons or families, if the name consists entirely or primarily of separate letters, leave a space between the letters, regardless of existence of full stop.
- For names of corporate bodies, if the name consists or of includes separate letters without full stops, record them without spaces between them.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option for manifestation transcription elements.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option for name of person, corporate body, or family with these conditions.
- For names of persons or families, if the name includes an initial that represents a given name or surname and is followed by another initial or name, leave a space after the full stop following the first initial.
- For names of persons or families, if the name includes initials or abbreviations forming part of a title or term of address, leave a space between the initial or abbreviation and a subsequent initial, abbreviation, numeral, or word.
- For names of corporate bodies, if the name includes an initial followed by another initial, do not leave a space after the full stop of the first initial.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option for manifestation transcription elements.
Letters or words intended to be read two or more times
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option. See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Access Point Syntax for detailed instructions on how to handle symbols within the capabilities of the local encoding system.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: For numbers, the options below apply to the elements:
- first alphanumeric designation of sequence
- first chronological designation of sequence
- last alphanumeric designation of sequence
- last chronological designation of sequence
- first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
- first chronological designation of alternative sequence
- last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
- last chronological designation of alternative sequence
- date of production
- date of publication
- date of distribution
- date of manufacture
- copyright date
- numbering of sequence
- numbering within sequence
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option except when recording numerals found in these non-Latin scripts: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Perso-Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek. Substitute Western-style arabic numerals when non-Latin script numerals appear on the resource. If important for identification, the cataloger may record a Manifestation: note on manifestation showing the non-Latin script form of the numeral found on the resource.
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option. See the option re: transcribing a numeral as it appears.
LC/PCC practice: For presentations of numerals that do not use Arabic numerals, apply the option. Apply the option if the cataloger considers it important for identification.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option. For rare materials, generally record numbers in the form in which they appear on the source of information (see DCRM(B,G,M) 0G, DCRM(S) 0G, 3A3).
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Document Date: 2024/09/21