LC-PCC policy statements for Describing an expression
Describing an expression
"Edition or Copy of Book LC/PCC practice: When a book is received, the question can arise as to whether it is a copy of an earlier edition or it is a separate edition needing its own bibliographic record. If the two items are known to be two different editions, create separate records for each. See Metadata Guidance documents for additional guidance about how to determine if a book is a separate edition or an additional copy."
When the difference relates to a publication, distribution, etc., statement or to ISBNs, consider that the book is a copy if the only variation is one or more of the following:
- a difference in the printing or copyright date when there is also a publication date;
- a minor variation in an entity’s name when a publisher uses multiple forms concurrently (e.g., “Duckworth” and “G. Duckworth” and “St. Martin’s” and “St. Martin’s Press” have been used at the same time by these publishers). A genuine name change, even if minor, should not be considered a variation;
- the addition, deletion, or change of an ISBN;
- a difference in binding; or,
- a difference in the edition statement or the series whenever the item is a CIP book issued by the publisher in both a hardbound and a softbound version.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Basic Cataloging Decisions.
Relating an expression to associated works, manifestations, agents, places, and timespans
Cardinality restrictions for specific kinds of expression
Describing an expression of a single work
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Describing an expression of a single work that has two or more parts
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Describing an expression of a work that is a part of a single work
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Describing expressions of aggregating works and expressions that are aggregated
Describing an expression of an aggregating work
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment for augmenting or parallel content. For a collection aggregate, identify the content in an informal or formal contents note Manifestation: note on manifestation. Optionally, also identify augmenting content in an informal or formal contents note. See Manifestation: note on manifestation.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment. See Metadata Guidance documents for LC/PCC requirements for recording certain categories of relationship elements in metadata description sets.
Describing an expression that is aggregated
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment. Use the relationship when relating an analytic description to the expression of an aggregating work.
Describing an expression of a diachronic work
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Document Date: 2024/09/21