Music Library Association Best Practices for variant title of manifestation
Record the element if deemed useful for identification or access. For aggregates that lack a collective title: Routinely record the element for each individual title, subsequent to the first, that is recorded as part of a Manifestation: title proper.
PCC Core for rare materials when required by DCRM.
LC Core for moving image resources.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Manifestation: variant title of manifestation.
In MARC: Record as an unstructured description using field 246 in most cases. When encoding variant titles in field 246, use indicators 13, 1_ with $i, or other values according to local practice. For aggregates lacking a collective title, use field 740 with second indicator 2 instead.
See examples in MARC format: variant title of manifestation . For related examples see also: title of manifestation ; title proper ; parallel title proper
Recording an unstructured description
LC/PCC Core.
LC/PCC practice: For all changes in title of serial works, integrating works, and multipart monographs unless the title changes are numerous, apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: For earlier titles (e.g. former titles) of an electronic serial, moving image resources, and if an aggregator presents a range of issues of a serial and does not retain earlier titles, apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: For serials, including rare serials, apply the option to initialisms/acronyms of the title proper. For rare serials, also apply the option to record it as Manifestation: other title information.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Manifestation: variant title of manifestation: unstructured description.
Cataloger's judgment.
Cataloger's judgment.
Cataloger's judgment.
Cataloger's judgment.
Data provenance
LC/PCC practice: Apply this option if 1) the metadata has been taken from a source other than the manifestation being described and there is a requirement to record that source OR 2) if directed to do so by other LC/PCC documentation.
Recording a structured description
Recording an identifier
Recording an IRI
Document Date: 2024/09/21