LC-PCC policy statements for expression manifested
LC/PCC Core for collection and parallel aggregates.
LC/PCC practice for aggregates: For a collection aggregate, record the first or predominant expression. Record other expressions according to judgment. It is not necessary to identify expressions in anthologies of poetry, hymnals, conference proceedings, journals, collections of interviews or letters, and similar resources. For a parallel aggregate, identify the original language expression, if present, and at least the first translation. For an augmentation aggregate, identify the primary expression and optionally identify augmenting content.
LC/PCC practice for expressions of aggregating works: Only identify an expression of an aggregating work for collection aggregates. Do not use the element to identify expressions of aggregating works for augmentation or parallel aggregates.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Aggregates.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Basic Cataloging Decisions.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Descriptive Relationship elements and Relationship labels.
Recording an unstructured description
Recording an unstructured description
LC/PCC practice: Optionally, apply the instruction using a note in a bibliographic record.
LC practice: For a collection aggregate, provide a contents note unless the contents are indicated in another part of the description. There is no limit on the number of titles in the note unless burdensome. Titles of augmenting content may be included in a contents note or may be described in a separate note. Use Manifestation: note on manifestation to record a contents note.
PCC practice: For a collection aggregate, provide a complete contents note unless the contents are indicated in another part of the description. Titles of augmenting content may be included in a contents note or may be described in a separate note. Use Manifestation: note on manifestation to record a contents note.
Recording a structured description
Recording a structured description
LC/PCC practice for a collection aggregate: Identify the first or predominate aggregated expression in a collection aggregate using a value of Expression: authorized access point for expression. Record other collection expressions according to judgment. It is not necessary to identify expressions in anthologies of poetry, hymnals, conference proceedings, journals, collections of interviews or letters, and similar resources.
LC/PCC practice for an augmentation aggregate: Identify the primary aggregated expression in an augmentation aggregate using a value of Expression: authorized access point for expression. Identify augmenting content in a note or a formal contents note using Manifestation: note on manifestation according to judgment. See Manifestation: supplementary content for further guidance on noting supplementary content. If considered important for identification and selection, the augmenting content may also be identified using Manifestation: expression manifested using a value of Expression: authorized access point for expression.
LC/PCC practice for a parallel aggregate: Identify the original language expression, if present, and at least the first translation in a parallel aggregate, using values of Expression: authorized access point for expression.
LC/PCC practice: If the Manifestation is a parallel aggregate embodying multiple expressions of the Bible or its parts, provide analytical authorized access points for each expression.
LC/PCC practice: Record the element using a structured description. If possible, express the relationship using a relationship label, or a relationship label in combination with an identifier or IRI, as allowed by the metadata management system. Apply this policy statement when recording: 1) an authorized access point in a bibliographic record, 2) an authorized access point for a related entity in an authority record, or 3) a structured value that is not functioning as an access point. If the metadata management system does not permit recording a relationship label for the element, omit it.
Recording an identifier
Recording an IRI
Document Date: 2024/09/21