NLNZ String Encoding Schemes





Table of Contents

Marks of punctuation

Name Symbol
comma ,
exclamation mark !
full stop .
hyphen -
question mark ?
quotation mark "

Consider the term ‘specified mark of punctuation’ in the text below to refer only to those given in the table above.


Access points for all entities

Work access points

Apply this string encoding scheme when constructing a string as a value for:

Forming the base access point for a work

Parts of a work

Precede a designation and/or title for a part or parts of a work by full stop space, unless another specified mark of punctuation is present, in which case precede by a space. Where numbering is included and precedes a title for part or parts of a work, separate by comma space.


  • General
    • Story of a treaty
    • Stars burn bright
    • Non-fatal shooting in Southland justified
  • Including parts
    • Southern reporter. Second series
    • Economics library selections. Series I, New books in economics
    • Electrical installations. Connectable electrical installations and supply arrangements. Part 2, Connectable electrical installations

Part of a musical work

Precede a number for a musical part by full stop space.

Precede a title or other designation of a part of a musical work by full stop space, unless another specified mark of punctuation is present, in which case precede by a space.

Where numbering is included and precedes a title for part or parts of a work, precede by comma space.

Format the opus number for a numbered part of a set of works by recording the opus number for the set, a comma space, and the number within the set. [MLA BP]

Ungarische Tänze. Nr. 5
Aïda. Celeste Aïda
Symphonies, no. 1, op. 21, C major. Andante cantabile con moto
Album für die Jugend. Nr. 2, Soldatenmarsch
Ring round the moon. Waltz suite
Quartets, violins (2), viola, cello, no. 8, op. 59, no. 2, E minor

If you have identified no additional elements for inclusion, then the value for Work: authorized access point for work or Work: variant access point for work is complete.

Including additional elements and designations in access points for a work

  • General instructions
  • Musical works which consist solely of one or more types of composition

General instructions

Record a value that includes additions as applicable, in this order:

  1. a value for Agent: authorized access point for agent that is:
    • a creator, or
    • associated with a liturgical non-aggregate static work
    • If the first value is a value for Agent: authorized access point for agent, precede the base access point for work by a full stop space unless the value of Agent: authorized access point for agent ends in a specified mark of punctuation, in which case precede by a space.


  2. the value of base access point for work


  3. a value for Work: category of work that is the term Series
  4. A value of Work: category of work that is the term Series is always recorded as the first value following the base access point for work and enclosed in a separate set of parentheses. This follows LC-PCC practice.

  5. values of other elements and designations as applicable. The order is not prescriptive:
    • a value for Work: category of work
    • A value for Work: category of work is enclosed in parentheses and preceded by a space.

    • a value of Manifestation: publisher agent
    • A value for Manifestation: publisher agent is enclosed in parentheses and preceded by a space.

    • a value for Work: place of origin of work
    • A value for Work: place of origin of work is enclosed in parentheses and preceded by a space.

    • a value for Manifestation: place of publication


    • a value for a distinguishing characteristic of a work
    • A value for Work: distinguishing characteristic of work is enclosed in parentheses and preceded by a space.

    • a value for Agent: authorized access point for agent who is not a creator and is not associated with a liturgical non-aggregate static work
    • A value for Agent: authorized access point for agent who is not a creator agent and is not associated with a liturgical non-aggregate static work is enclosed in parentheses and preceded by a space.

    • a value for Work: date of work
    • A value for Work: date of work is generally recorded as the final value, if applicable. It is enclosed in parentheses and preceded by a space.


    Multiple designations

    Separate the values of elements and designations that are enclosed in parentheses according to the guidance above by a
    space colon space.

    Separate values that represent multiple places of publication by a comma space.

    Separate values of timespan that represent a date range by a hyphen.

    Ihimaera, Witi, 1944- Bulibasha
    Knight, Jude, 1950- Farewell to kindness
    Tomalin, Lynda. Stars burn bright
    Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430. Sermo de symbolo ad catechumenos
    Treaty of Waitangi (1840 February 6)
    101 Dalmatians (Motion picture : 1996)
    Report of the 2014 academic audit (Victoria University of Wellington)
    101 (Series) (Rome, Italy)
    Aegis (Series) (Louvain, Belgium). Actes de colloques


    Musical works which consist solely of one or more types of composition

    Record a value that includes additions as applicable, in this order:

    1. a value for Agent: authorized access point for agent that is:
      • a creator
      If the first value is a value for Agent: authorized access point for agent, precede the base access point for work by a full stop space unless the value of Agent: authorized access point for agent ends in a specified mark of punctuation, in which case precede by a space.
    2. a value of a base access point for work
    3. a value for Work: medium of performance of musical content of representative expression
      A value for Work: medium of performance of musical content of representative expression is preceded by a comma space.
      Record a value that includes in this order, as applicable:
      1. voices
      2. keyboard instrument if there is more than one non-keyboard instrument
      3. the other instruments in conventional score order
      4. continuo
      5. For a work for solo instrument or instruments and accompanying ensemble or ensembles, add the terms for the solo instrument or instruments followed by the term for the accompanying ensemble or ensembles
      Precede each value by a comma space.
      When recording the number of parts or performers, enclose statements of numbers in parentheses preceded by a space.
    4. a value for Work: numeric designation of musical work
      A value for Work: numeric designation of musical work is preceded by a comma space.
      Record a value of Work: numeric designation of musical work that includes a caption by recording a space between the caption or abbreviation and number.
    5. a value for Work: key of representative expression
      A value for Work: key of representative expression is preceded by a comma space.
      Record a value of Work: key of representative expression that includes the terms major or minor by recording a space between the pitch centre and the term.
    Hill, Alfred, 1869-1960. Quartets, violins (2), viola, cello, no. 1, B♭ major
    Ritchie, Anthony. Symphonies, no. 5, op. 200


    Expression access points

    Apply this string encoding scheme when constructing a string as a value for:


    Forming the base access point for expression

    A value of Work: authorized access point for work forms the base access point.

    If you have identified no additional elements for inclusion then the value for Expression: authorized access point for expression or Expression: variant access point for expression is complete.

    Including additional elements and designations in access points for an expression

    • General instructions
    • Musical expressions

    General instructions

    Record a value that includes additions as applicable, in this order:

    1. the value of base access point for expression
    2. a value of Expression: language of expression
    3. A value of Expression: language of expression always follows the base access point for expression. Precede the value of Expression: language of expression by a full stop space, unless the base access point ends in a specified mark of punctuation, in which case precede by a space.

    4. values of other elements and designations as applicable. The order is not prescriptive:
      • a value of Expression: content type
      • A value for Expression: content type is preceded by a full stop space, unless another specified mark of punctuation is present, in which case a value for Expression: content type is preceded by a space.

      • a value of another distinguishing characteristic
      • A value for other distinguishing characteristic is enclosed in parentheses, separately from other values, and preceded by a space.

      • a value of Expression: designation of version
      • A value for Expression: designation of version is preceded by a full stop space, unless another specified mark of punctuation is present, in which case a value for Expression: designation of version is preceded by a space.

      • a value of Expression: date of expression
      • A value for Expression: date of expression is preceded by a full stop space, unless another specified mark of punctuation is present, in which case a value for Expression: date of expression is preceded by a space.

    Kahukiwa, Robyn. I te timatanga. Māori
    Ellis, Gavin. If not journalists, then who? English
    Halstead, Diana, 1941- Archetypes. English
    Bible. Apocrypha. English. Authorized. 2013
    Saxo, Grammaticus, -approximately 1204. Gesta Danorum. Liber 1-9. English (Elton)


    Musical expressions

    Record a value that includes additions as applicable, in this order:

    1. the value of base access point for expression
    2. a value for Expression: designation of version
      A value for Expression: designation of version is preceded by a full stop space, except for:
      • the value arranged, which is preceded by a semicolon space
      • the value Sketches, which is enclosed in parentheses and preceded by a space
    3. a value for Expression: language of expression
      A value of Expression: language of expression for the translation expressed is preceded by a full stop space.
    4. values of other elements and designations as applicable – see General instructions
    Nabokov, Nicolas, 1903-1978. Love’s labour’s lost. Vocal score. German
    Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759. Rodelinda. Dove sei? amato bene!; arranged. English
    Hill, Alfred, 1869-1960. Quartets, violins (2), viola, cello, no. 9, A minor; arranged
    Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. Requiem, K. 626, D minor (Sketches)


    Person access points

    Apply this string encoding scheme when constructing a string as a value for:


    Forming a base access point for person

    When recording values that have rotated one or more words, phrases or other components of a name to the front, followed by some or all of the remainder of the name:
    Precede the remainder of the name by comma space.


    • Mahy, Margaret
    • Te Kanawa, Kiri

    This completes the base access point for person.

    If you have identified no additional elements for inclusion then the value for Person: authorized access point for person or Person: variant access point for person is complete.

    Including additional elements and designations in access points for a person

    Record a value that includes additions, as applicable, in this order:

    • the base access point for person
    • a value of Person: fuller form of name
    • A value of Person: fuller form of name is enclosed in parentheses. This value always follows the base access point and is preceded by a space.

    • a value of Person: profession or occupation
    • A value of Person: profession or occupation is enclosed in parentheses. This value follows a value of Person: fuller form of name where present and is preceded by a space.

    • a value of Person: term of rank or honour or office (including Pope, Antipope, religious vocation titles, Saint)
    • A value of Person: term of rank, honour or office is preceded by a comma and follows a value of Person: fuller form of name where present and before a value of Person: profession or occupation.

    • a term associated with a person named in a sacred scripture or apocryphal book
    • an appropriate designation (only where no other available to break the conflict)
    • An appropriate designation other than those covered here is enclosed in parentheses. Follow with a comma if the next value is a date and precede by a space.

    • a value of Person: date of birth
    • A value of Person: date of birth is preceded by a comma space and followed by a hyphen. This will be the last element in the access point unless followed by a value of Person: date of death or the term Spirit.

    • a value of Person: date of death
    • A value of Person: date of death is preceded by a hyphen. This will be the last element in the access point unless followed by the term Spirit.

    • a value of Person: period of activity of person
    • A value of Person: period of activity of person is preceded by a comma. This will be the last element in the access point unless followed by the term Spirit.

    • the term Spirit
    • The term Spirit is enclosed in parentheses. This will always be the last element in the access point, if applicable, and is preceded by a space.



    • Finlay Tate not inverted because this is first and middle name being used, surname omitted in common usage
    • Diamond Field (Musician)
    • Wheeler, Pete, 1978-
    • Donne, T. E. (Thomas Edward), 1859-1945
    • Luke, Saint (Spirit)


    Corporate Body access points

    Apply this string encoding scheme when constructing a string as a value for:


    Forming the base access point for a corporate body


    Record using the following spacing conventions:

    • one space after an initial that is followed by a word or element that is not an initial
    • no space between an initial and another following initial consisting of one letter


    Precede and follow abbreviations consisting of two or more letters with a space.

    Placename at end

    If the form of name in the access point includes a placename at the end and the place is enclosed within parentheses or is preceded by a comma-space, retain in the access point the punctuation as found.

    Rotated name

    When recording a value that rotates one or more words, phrases, or other components of a name to the front, followed by some or all of the remainder of the name, precede the rotated part by a comma followed by a space.


    • General
      • National Library of New Zealand
    • Initials
      • Base authorized access point: F & H Denby [Source: F&H Denby]
      • Base authorized access point: U.S.D.A. Symposium [Source: U. S. D. A. Symposium]
      • Base authorized access point: IEEE [Source: I E E E]
    • Abbreviations
      • Base authorized access point: Ph. D. Associates [Source: Ph.D. Associates]
    • Place name at end
      • Base authorized access point: University College, London [Source: University College, London]
    • Rotated name
      • Base authorized access point: Australia. Department of the Environment and Water Resources [Source: Department of the Environment and Water Resources]
      • Base variant access point: Australia. Environment and Water Resources, Department of the

    This completes the base access point for corporate body.

    If you have identified no additional elements for inclusion, then the value for Corporate Body: authorized access point for corporate body or Corporate Body: variant access point for corporate body is complete.

    Including additional elements and designations in access points for a corporate body

    All additional elements and designations follow the base access point of corporate body in parentheses preceded by a space.

    Record a value that includes additions as applicable, in this order:

    1. the value of base access point for corporate body (in practice this will be either base authorized access point for corporate body or base variant access point for corporate body)

    3. a value of Corporate Body: category of corporate body
    4. A value of Corporate Body: category of corporate body follows the base access point of corporate body by parentheses preceded by a space.

    5. a value of Place: authorized access point for place

    7. a value of Corporate Body: preferred name of corporate body of an associated institution
    8. A value of Corporate Body: preferred name of corporate body follows the base access point of corporate body by parentheses preceded by a space.

    9. a value of Corporate Body: category of government
    10. A value of Corporate Body: category of government follows the base access point of corporate body by parentheses preceded by a space.

    11. a value of an appropriate designation of corporate body

    13. a value of Timespan: access point for timespan
      • Follow a value of Timespan: access point for timespan that represents an earlier timespan with a hyphen
      • Precede a value of Timespan: access point for timespan that represents a later timespan with a hyphen


    Multiple designations

    Follow the base access point of corporate body in parentheses and separated by a space colon space.


    • A value of Corporate Body: category of corporate body
      • Essex (Ironclad steamer)
      • TLC (Firm)
    • A value of Place: authorized access point for place
      • Home & Family Counselling (Organization : Auckland, N.Z.)
    • A value of Corporate Body: preferred name of corporate body of an associated institution
      • Antarctic Research Centre (Victoria University of Wellington)
    • A value of Corporate Body: category of government
      • Auckland (N.Z. : Province)
    • A value of appropriate designation of corporate body
      • Elizabeth (Schooner : 1846-1855)
      • All Hallows (Church : London, England : Honey Lane)
    • A value of Timespan: access point for timespan
      • Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (1868-1906)
      • Gesellschaft für Musikforschung (1946- )
      • Elizabeth (Schooner : 1846-1855)


    Individual instances of conferences and exhibitions

    Record a value that includes additions as applicable, in this order:

    1. the base access point for corporate body
    2. a value of Corporate Body: number of conference
    3. a value of Corporate Body: date of conference
    4. Use a hyphen to separate values for Corporate body: date of conference which include a date range.

    5. a value of Corporate Body: place of conference
    6. Values for Corporate body: place of conference which include multiple placenames should separate places using comma space.


    Separate multiple values for Corporate body: place of conference using a semicolon followed by a space.


    • General:
      • Olympic Winter Games (21st : 2010 : Vancouver, B.C.)
    • Conference with multiple locations:
      • Tour de France (Bicycle race) (1970 : France; Belgium; Germany)


    Government officials that are heads of state, heads of government, etc.

    Record a value that includes additions as applicable, in this order:

    1. a value of Corporate Body: access point for corporate body for a jurisdiction
    2. a value of Corporate Body: name of corporate body for the office held
    3. a value of Timespan: access point for timespan representing the time period for which the office was held
    4. Values of Timespan: access point for timespan and appropriate designation of corporate body follow the name of corporate body in parentheses, separated by a space colon space.

      Follow a value of Timespan: access point for timespan that represents a starting date with hyphen.

      Precede a value of Timespan: access point for timespan that represents an ending date with hyphen.

    5. a value of an appropriate designation of corporate body that is the person's surname


    Precede a value of Corporate body: name of corporate body by a full stop space.


    • Indonesia. President (1949-1967 : Soekarno)
    • New Zealand. Prime Minister (2023- : Luxon)


    Access points that include higher or related bodies

    A name of a corporate body may be recorded subordinately to an authorized access point for a higher or related body. This may represent the immediate superior body, or a higher body in the hierarchy, as applicable, to identify the corporate body.

    Record a value of base access point that includes as applicable, in this order:

    1. the authorized access point for the higher or related corporate body
    2. a value of Corporate Body: name of corporate body that represents the subordinate or related body. Omit from the name of the subordinate body the name (or abbreviation of the name) of the higher or related body unless the omission would result in a name that does not make sense.


    Precede a subordinate or related body by a full stop space.


    • General
      • National Library of New Zealand. Services to Schools
      • Auckland (N.Z.) Council
      • Auckland (N.Z. : Region). Regional Council
      • International Dairy Congress (22nd : 1986 : The Hague, Netherlands). Organizing Committee
      • United States. National Labor Relations Board. Library
    • Name of the higher or related body omitted
      • Bay of Plenty (N.Z. : Region. Coast Care) [Source: Coast Care BOP]


    Family access points

    Apply this string encoding scheme when constructing a string as a value for:


    Forming the base access point for family

    No additional formatting is required to adjust the base access point for family.

    If you have identified no additional elements for inclusion then the value for Family: authorized access point for family or Family: variant access point for family is complete.

    Including additional elements and designations in access points for a family

    Additions to the base access point are contained in a single set of parentheses. Values within parentheses are separated by space colon space.

    Record a value that includes additions as applicable, in this order:

    1. the base access point for family
    2. a value of Family: category of family
    3. a value of Family: related timespan of family
    4. Values for Family: related timespan of family which include a beginning date should be followed by a hyphen. Ending dates should be preceded by a hyphen.

    5. a value of Family: related place of family
    6. Values for Family: related place of family which include multiple placenames should separate places using comma space.

    7. a value of Family: prominent member of family



    • Branson (Family)
    • Donald (Clan)
    • Coniglio (Family : 1912- : Coniglio, Gaetano, 1889-1944)


    Place access points

    Apply this string encoding scheme when constructing a string as a value for:


    Forming the base access point for place

    No additional formatting is required to adjust the base access point for place.

    If you have identified no additional elements for inclusion then the value for Place: authorized access point for place or Place: variant access point for place is complete.

    Including additional elements and designations in access points for a place

    Record a value that includes additions as applicable, in this order:

    1. the base access point for place
    2. a value of Place: access point for place

    Record additional elements and designations in parentheses.

    Record as part of a name of place the name of the larger place in which it is located following the name of place.

    Record the category of government when required (e.g. state, province, etc.) following the larger place or jurisdiction separated by space colon space.

    For places within cities, add the city name following the name of place.

    Additional designations which include multiple placenames should separate places using comma space.


    • General
      • Chicago (Ill.)
      • Budapest (Hungary)
      • Britomart (Precinct)
      • Cathedral Square (Florence, Italy)
    • Category of government
      • Darmstadt (Germany : Reierungsbezirk)
      • Cork (Ireland : County)
    • Places within cities:
      • Quatier du Montparnasse (Paris, France)
      • Loop (Chicago, Ill.)

    Work elements


    Work: dissertation or thesis information

    Record a value that includes, in this order:

    1. a value of Work: academic degree
    2. a value of Work: degree granting institution
    3. a value of Work: year degree granted

    No additional punctuation required between values.


    • Ph.D. University of Otago 1997.


    Expression elements


    Expression: duration

    Moving images; Sound recordings
    Enclose a value of Expression: duration in parentheses and precede with a space


    Record a value that includes, in this order:

    1. The introductory text 'Duration'
    2. A value of Expression: duration
    Precede a value of Expression: duration with colon space

    Duration: 35 min.


    Expression: medium of performance of musical content


    All scores except instrumental hire sets

    Generally record a value in conventional score order because we think this is more intuitive for users.
    However, if an AAP for a combination of instruments shows another order (suggesting a different score order for particular groups of instruments e.g. wind quintet) then follow this order instead.

       Score for a wind quintet:
       flute 1 oboe 1 clarinet 1 horn 1 bassoon 1 5

       Value is given in order used in various LC name/title authorised access points, whereas bassoon is listed before horn in conventional score order.

    Record a value that includes in this order, as applicable:

    1. A value for each instrument/voice/ensemble. Record a value for a soloist before an accompanying ensemble. Precede second and subsequent values with a space.
    2. A value for number of parts or performers for each instrument or voice following the instrument or voice. Precede with a space.
    3. A value for number of hands for each instrument following the instrument. Precede with a space.
    4. A value for number of ensembles following the ensemble. Precede with a space.
    5. A value for total number of parts or performers. Precede with a space.
    6. A value for total number of ensembles. Precede with a space.

    Instrumental hire sets

    Record a value that includes, in this order:

    1. The introductory text 'Orchestration' or ‘Instrumentation’
    2. A value of Expression: medium of performance of musical content
    Precede a value of Expression: medium of performance of musical content with colon space

    Orchestration: 3(1).2+1.2+1.2+1/


    Manifestation elements


    Manifestation: dimensions

    Single unit manifestations that are volumes

    Record a value that includes in this order, as applicable:

    1. A value for the height of the unit.
    2. A value for the width of the unit.
      A value for the width of the unit is preceded by a space lower case x space.
    3. A metric dimension symbol.
      A metric dimension symbol is preceded by a space.
    Examples 36 cm
    68 mm
    20 x 44 cm
    50 x 20 cm

    Multiple unit manifestations - Units in two sizes

    Record a value that includes in this order, as applicable:

    1. A value for the height of the smaller unit.
    2. A value for the width of the smaller unit.
      A value for the width of the smaller unit is preceded by a lower case x space.
    3. A value for the depth of the smaller unit.
      A value for the depth of the smaller unit is preceded by a lower case x space.
    4. A metric dimension symbol.
      A metric dimension symbol is only recorded if a value of the width and/or depth of the smaller manifestation is recorded.
    5. A value for the height of the larger unit.
      A value for the height of the larger unit within a multiple unit manifestation is preceded by a hyphen.
    6. A value for the width of the larger unit.
      A value for the width of the larger unit is preceded by a lower case x space.
    7. A value for the depth of the larger unit.
      A value for the depth of the larger unit is preceded by a lower case x space.
    8. A metric dimension symbol.
    Examples 21-42 cm
    21 x 30 cm-40 cm

    Multiple unit manifestations - Notated music

    Record a value that includes in this order, the following terms as applicable:
    condensed score
    study score
    piano conductor part
    violin conductor part
    vocal score
    piano score
    chorus score
    choir book
    table book

    Multiple unit manifestations - Units in three or more sizes

    Record a value that includes in this order, as applicable:

    1. A value for the height of the largest unit.
    2. A value for the width of the largest unit.
      A value for the width of the unit is preceded by a lower case x space.
    3. A value for the depth of the largest unit.
      A value for the depth of the unit is preceded by a lower case x space.
    4. A metric dimension symbol.
      A metric dimension symbol is preceded by a space.
    5. The words: or smaller.
    Examples 30 cm or smaller
    6 x 25 x 10 cm or smaller

    Manifestations issued in containers

    Record a value that includes in this order, as applicable:

    1. A statement describing the units associated with the manifestation.
    2. A value for the height of the container.
      A value for the height of the unit is preceded by a name for the container and the word in.
    3. A value for the width of the container.
      A value for the width of the container is preceded by a lower case x space.
    4. A value for the depth of the container.
      A value for the depth of the container is preceded by a lower case x space.
    5. A metric dimension symbol.
      A metric dimension symbol is preceded by a space.
    Example 13 x 9 cm, 13 cm in clamshell box 14 x 11 x 5 cm


    Manifestation: edition statement

    Values including a value of Manifestation: designation of edition

    Record a value that includes, in this order:

    1. a value of Manifestation: designation of edition
    2. a value of Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to edition

    Precede a value of Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to edition with space forward slash.


    Values including a value of Manifestation: designation of a named revision of edition

    Record a value that includes, in this order:

    1. a value of Manifestation: designation of named revision of edition
    2. a value of Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition

    Precede a value of Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition with space forward slash.


    Manifestation: extent of manifestation

    Record a value that includes in this order, as applicable:

    1. number of units
    2. selected term for unit counted
    3. number of subunits*
    4. selected term for subunit counted*

    *Note that there are situations where the term and number of subunits are presented in reverse order, but this is an exception only to be applied when clearly instructed.

    Values can consist of multiple units or subunits. Values can also consist of statements of units, statements of subunits, or statements of units and subunits together.

    Numbering of units and subunits may include extra wording such as approximately, as specified when determining the value.

    Separate numbers of units for the same unit using comma space.

    Separate statements of units using comma space.

    Separate numbers of subunits for the same subunit using comma space.

    Separate statements of subunits using comma space.

    When recording subunits within a unit, enclose statements of subunits in parentheses.

    Unit and/or subunit statements can be nested beneath another unit statement. Enclose nested statements in parentheses.

    When recording statements of subunits relating to specific units within a multiple unit manifestation, separate the statements with a semicolon space.

    For incomplete multiple unit manifestations, record the interim number of units in angled brackets. Remove these when the resource is no longer incomplete.


    Examples are sorted into categories:


    Subunits omitted:

    • volume [no numbering for an indeterminate successive diachronic work]
    • 100 slides
    • 3 microfiches
    • approximately 1,000 photographs
    • 1 volume (looseleaf) [note the parentheses here enclose a type of volume rather than a subunit or nested unit]
    • <2> volumes [incomplete multiple unit manifestation]


    Units omitted:

    • 28 pages
    • xi, 230 pages
    • xii, 24 pages, 212 leaves of plates, 43 unnumbered leaves of plates
    • xii pages, 1 unnumbered page, 14-176 pages [early printed resource]
    • 329, that is, 392 pages [misleading numbering]
    • xxiv, 179 pages (incomplete) [incomplete volumes - option where the last part of a volume is missing and the extent of the complete volume cannot be ascertained]
    • 256 leaves in various foliations [complicated or irregular paging, etc.]
    • 560, 223 pages, 217 variously numbered pages [complicated or irregular paging, etc.]
    • 12 unnumbered leaves, 74 leaves, 32 unnumbered leaves, 62 columns, 9 unnumbered pages [early printed resource]


    Units omitted, with subunit and numbering reversed:

    • leaves 81-149 [leaves removed/lost]
    • pages 713-797 [the volume being described is numbered as part of a larger sequence]


    Unit and subunit:

    • 1 flipchart (8 sheets)
    • 1 microfiche (120 frames)
    • 1 vocal score (x, 190 pages)
    • 1 object (various pieces)
    • 1 volume (various pagings)
    • 1 score (24 pages) + parts [score separated from parts]
    • 1 score (48 pages) and parts [score and parts housed in a single unit]


    Nested statements:

    • 3 microfiches (1 score (118 pages))
    • 1 microfilm reel (255 pages) [This example only has subunit in parentheses because Extent of manifestation of text omits the unit 'volume' - 'pages' is not an appropriate subunit for the unit 'microfilm reel' so this is still an example of a nested statement. Do not use: 1 microfilm reel (1 volume (255 pages))
    • 1 condensed score (2 volumes)
    • 1 score and 2 parts (1 volume (unpaged))
    • 1 portfolio (4 folded cards)

    Statements of subunits relating to specific units within a multiple unit manifestation:

    • 2 volumes (ix, 341; xv, 660 pages)


    Manifestation: note on manifestation

    Expression: duration
    Aggregate manifestations
    Enclose the total duration and/or duration of each aggregated expression of an aggregate manifestation in parentheses and precede with a space
    Record durations for aggregated expressions following information about each aggregated expression.


    Classical music CD: total duration:

    Classical music CD: durations of aggregated expressions:
    Concert overture no. 1 (14:02) ; Symphony no. 3 in C minor (31:46) / Florence Price
    Mighty river / Errollyn Wallen (16:28)
    Arise, Athena! / Eleanor Alberga (3:38)


    Manifestation: numbering of sequence

    First part/iteration of sequence

    Record a value that includes, in this order:

    • The introductory text 'Began with'
    • A value of Manifestation: first alphanumeric designation of sequence
    • A value of Manifestation: first chronological designation of sequence
    • A value of Manifestation: first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
    • A value of Manifestation: first chronological designation of alternative sequence
    Separate the introductory text from the first value with colon space
    Where values of both Manifestation: first alphanumeric designation of sequence and Manifestation: first chronological designation of sequence are present, enclose the value of Manifestation: first chronological designation of sequence in parentheses and precede with a space
    Precede a value of Manifestation: first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence with space equals sign space
    Where values of both Manifestation: first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence and Manifestation: first chronological designation of alternative sequence are present, enclose a value of Manifestation: first chronological designation of alternative sequence in parentheses and precede with a space
    Where the first part/iteration of sequence is uncertain, follow the final value with a question mark. In all other cases follow the final value with a full stop, unless another specified mark of punctuation is present, or if followed by a value for the last part/iteration of sequence.

    Began with: volume 1 (September 2022)
    Began with: [summer 2023/2024]
    Began with: no 1/2024.
    Began with: volume 1, number 1 (March 2019)
    Began with: vol 3 no 5 (March 1992) = number 29 (autumn 1992)
    Began with: [winter 2019]?
    Began with: September 1995?

    Last part/iteration of sequence

    Record a value that includes, in this order:

    • The introductory text ‘ceased with’
    • A value of Manifestation: last alphanumeric designation of sequence
    • A value of Manifestation: last chronological designation of sequence
    • A value of Manifestation: last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
    • A value of Manifestation: last chronological designation of alternative sequence
    If the value follows one for the first part/iteration of sequence, precede with a semicolon space
    Capitalise the first word of the introductory text, unless it is preceded by a value for the first part/iteration of sequence
    Separate the introductory text from the first value with colon space
    Where values of both Manifestation: last alphanumeric designation of sequence and Manifestation: last chronological designation of sequence are present, enclose the value of Manifestation: last chronological designation of sequence in parentheses and precede with a space
    Precede a value of Manifestation: last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence with space equals sign space
    Where values of both Manifestation: last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence and Manifestation: last chronological designation of alternative sequence are present, enclose a value of Manifestation: last chronological designation of alternative sequence in parentheses and precede with a space
    Where the last part/iteration of sequence is uncertain, follow the final value with a question mark. In all other cases follow the final value with a full stop, unless another specified mark of punctuation is present

    Ceased with: summer 1971.
    Ceased with: volume 1, issue 8 (June/July 2014)
    Began with: volume 1 (September 2022); ceased with volume 9 (May 2023)
    Began with: [1/1988]; ceased with: May 1995.
    Began with: vol 3 no 5 (March 1992) = number 29 (autumn 1992); ceased with: vol 3 no 7 (September 1992) = number 31 (spring 1992)
    Began with: vol 1 no 1 (March 87); ceased with: [vol 7 no 3 (August 1993)]?
    Began with: winter 2019; ceased with: summer 2022?

    Only one part/iteration is published
    Where only one part/iteration is ever published, follow the SES for First part/iteration of sequence, but instead use the introductory text ‘Began and ceased with’


    Manifestation: other title information

    Record a value that includes all values of Manifestation: other title information.

    Precede second and subsequent values of Manifestation: other title information with space colon space.

    Informing New Zealand : libraries, archives and museums : hei puna whakamōhio mō Aotearoa : whare pukapuka, pūranga kōrero, whare taonga


    Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to title proper

    Record a value that includes all values of Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to title proper.

    Precede second and subsequent values of Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to title proper for agents with the same role with space comma space.

    Precede second and subsequent values of Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to title proper for agents with different roles with space semicolon space.

    Precede second and subsequent values of Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to title proper relating to the same agent that appear in more than one language with comma space.


    • the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Te Hāhi Tūhauwiri
    • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; edited by H.C. Robbins Landon, herausgegeben von H.C. Robbins Landon


    Manifestation: title of manifestation

    Titles of aggregates

    Single source of information: Record the values in the order based on the sequence, layout, or typography of the titles on the source of information.

    Separate sources of information: choose the order of the values according to the following guidelines:

    • in the order they appear throughout the manifestation.
    • if the resource is formatted as tête-bêche then choose the value to record first based on how the resource presents itself. For example, the resource may have a colophon, a barcode or ISBN associated with one source of information but not the other, in which case record that value first.

    If none of the above apply, it does not matter which value is recorded first.

    Precede second and subsequent values of Expression: title of expression with space plus symbol space.


    I te timatanga + In the beginning

    Des jumeaux pour Jenny + Une inexplicable attirance + Un médecin trop séduisant