Music Library Association Best Practices for designation of version
Routinely record the element in authority records when it is used as a component of an access point. Record the element in bibliographic records if deemed useful for identification or access.
LC/PCC Core when needed to differentiate an expression of a work from another expression of the same work.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Expressions.
LC/PCC practice: See the Metadata Guidance documentation: Series/subseries: Expression: designation of version.
In MARC: In authority records: Record as an unstructured description using field 381 subfield $a. If a more specific 3xx field is available the element may also be recorded there in addition to, but not as a substitute for, field 381.
In bibliographic records: Record as a structured description using an appropriate genre term or subject form/genre subdivision in field 655 subfield $a or field 650 subfield $v. Use 3xx fields if directed to do so by local policy.
The Bible and parts of the Bible
Musical works
Arrangements, transcriptions, etc.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option when constructing an authorized access point for a musical expression. Do not apply the option in the following situations:
- A work has multiple value sets of Work: medium of performance of musical content of representative expression.
- A musical expression embodies a work composed before 1800 that is intended for a baroque, renaissance, or other early instrument, or for voice; is edited for or performed on a modern instrument or an alternative voice; and the key is unchanged and the notation has not been significantly changed.
- The only change in the medium of performance is of a different instrumentation within the same broad medium (e.g., orchestra, instrumental ensemble, band), and the composer has retained the original title and opus number.
- An expression of a song is transposed to accommodate a voice range different from the Work: medium of performance of musical content of representative expression.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option when constructing an authorized access point for a musical expression. Optionally, a value of Expression: designation of version for an arrangement may be recorded using a structured description.
Arrangements of “popular” music
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option when the arrangement is between two musical expressions that are instrumentals or is between two musical expressions that predominantly feature vocals.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option when constructing an authorized access point for a musical expression. Optionally, a value of Expression: designation of version for an arrangement may be recorded using a structured description.
Added accompaniments, etc.
Condition Option
LC practice: Apply the option when constructing an authorized access point for a musical expression. For notated music, classify the information resource as an arrangement and assign subject headings that apply to the representative expression and the expression in-hand, adding "Arranged" to the heading for the latter.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option when constructing an authorized access point for a musical expression. Optionally, a value of Expression: designation of version for sketches may be recorded using a structured description.
Vocal and chorus scores
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option when constructing an authorized access point for a musical expression.
Recording a structured description
Prefer controlled vocabularies if feasible and appropriate. For examples and guidance refer to Descriptive Cataloging Manual, Z1. Name and Series Authority Records (also available through Cataloger's Desktop).
In MARC: If a MARC source code is available for the chosen vocabulary encoding scheme, record it using field 381 subfield $2.
Recording an identifier
Recording an IRI
Document Date: 2025/02/24