Music Library Association Best Practices for date of distribution
Routinely record the element if it has been used to infer a date of publication. In other cases: Record the element if deemed useful for identification or selection. It is usually not necessary to record a separate date of distribution if date of publication and copyright date are given; use cataloger’s judgment.
LC Core for archival moving image materials. Record the value from the manifestation or secondary sources. For non-television resources, usually record only the year of release in the YYYY format.
PCC Core for rare materials when present in the manifestation.
PCC practice: For rare materials, see DCRM(B,C,G,M,S) 4D1.
In MARC: Record as an unstructured description using field 264 (second indicator 2) subfield $c. Record as a structured description using field 008 bytes 07-10 if appropriate.
Multiple dates and date types may be encoded in field 008/06 and 008/07-14. Consult OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards for guidance in determining precedence of date type when coding one or more dates in field 008.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
PCC practice: For rare materials, in most cases, transcribe all dates of distribution (see DCRM(B,C,G,M,S) 4D1).
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
LC practice: For archival moving image materials, apply the option. For non-television resources, in most cases record only the year in the YYYY format, enclosed in square brackets. For moving image resources that were never distributed (shelved feature films, home movies, outtakes, etc.), use Manifestation: date of production.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option. Follow the date with a hyphen.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option if the value for the first part or iteration is not known. Precede the date with a hyphen.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option. Separate the dates with a hyphen.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: If a date of distribution is the same for all issues, parts, or iterations, record only that date as the single date.
Recording an unstructured description
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option. Supply the value in square brackets.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option.
PCC practice: For rare materials, apply the option. Also supply the correct year following the transcribed value (see DCRM(B,C,G,M) 4D2.4; DCRM(S) 4D2.3). Supply the value in square brackets.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
PCC practice: For rare materials, apply the option. Supply the correct year in square brackets following the transcribed value (see DCRM(B,C,G,M) 4D2.4; DCRM(S) 4D2.3).
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option. Instead, supply the corrected information in a Manifestation: note on distribution statement.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Do not apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Apply the option to record a numerical date instead of giving the chronogram. Supply the value in square brackets.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
LC practice: For archival moving image materials, apply the option. Do not enclose the known date in square brackets.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
LC practice: For archival moving image materials, apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
LC practice: For archival moving image materials, apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
LC practice: For archival moving image materials, apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
LC practice: For archival moving image materials, apply the option.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
LC practice: For archival moving image materials, apply the option for dates fewer than 20 years apart. For a probable decade, use [YYY-]. For a questionable decade, use [YYY-?].
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Cataloger's judgment.
Date of distribution not identified
Condition Option
LC/PCC practice: Supply a date of distribution if possible, rather than give date of distribution not identified. Follow the instructions at Manifestation: date of distribution. Record an unstructured description for supplied dates. Supply the value in square brackets.
PCC practice: For rare materials, cataloger's judgment.
Recording a structured description
Recording an identifier
Recording an IRI
Document Date: 2025/02/24