var g_tab_content = {"rda":{"rda":"RDA"},"tools":{"rdaschemadic":"RDA: Element Set","toolserd":"ERD","jscmap":"JSC Maps","wka":"Workflows","mpa":"Maps","bob":"Books of the Bible","mop":"Medium of Performance"},"resources":{"aacr2":"AACR2","nlgps":"D-A-CH AWR","blps":"BL PS","kbsp":"KB SP","lacbanqps":"LAC PS","lcps":"LC-PCC PS","mlabp":"MLA","nlaps":"NLA PS","fips":"SKL"}};var g_add_bookmark = 'Add Bookmark';var g_server_error = 'A remote server error has prevented this function from completing. Please contact support for assistance.';var g_do_not_share = 'Do Not Share';var g_hide_bookmarks = 'Hide Bookmarks';var g_hide_examples = 'Hide Examples';var g_loading = 'Loading';var g_new_name = 'New Name';var g_location_bookmark = 'Please click in the document at the location of desired bookmark.';var g_new_location_bookmark = 'Please click in the document at the new location for selected bookmark.';var g_find_link = 'Please click in the document at the location for the desired URL.';var g_rename = 'Rename';var g_reset_bookmark = 'Reset Bookmark';var g_share_globally = 'Share Globally';var g_share_locally = 'Share Locally';var g_share_donot = 'Do Not Share';var g_show_bookmarks = 'Show Bookmarks';var g_show_examples = 'Show Examples';var g_update = 'Update';var g_lose_work = 'You have made changes to this document. If you close the window you will lose your work.';var g_invalid_select = 'You have not selected a valid area of the document for the bookmark. Please click in a text area of the document.';var g_error_delete = 'Your current browser configuration does not allow for deleting content. Please contact support for assistance.';var g_error_save = 'Your current browser configuration does not allow for saving content. Please contact support for assistance.';var g_ckeditor_sharemode = 'Share Mode';var g_ckeditor_toolkitdocument = 'RDA Toolkit document';var g_ckeditor_deletedocument = 'Do you want to delete this document from your collection?';var g_ckeditor_selectlink = 'Please select the link destination before clicking OK.';